The second phase of the Transport 2020 will offer many opportunities to get involved. Check this page often for information about upcoming public meetings, workshops and to see minutes and agendas from Implementation Task Force meetings.
Presentation to Dane County Board, March 27, 2008. (520KB PDF)
May 2007 Public Information Meeting
The second public information meeting was held on May 3, 2007. Nearly 100 people attended the open house at Monona Terrace, learning about the alternatives still under consideration, service scenarios, ridership and costs, and the likely environmental and community impacts of investing in the Alternatives. Attendees interacted with members of the Implementation Task Force and asked questions of study staff. Following a presentation by study staff, more than 20 stakeholders verbally expressed their opinions in public comments. Finally, stakeholders recorded their ideas, concerns and comments in written form. In total, these comments will be used with technical considerations to determine which build alternative is advanced to the final phase of the Transport 2020 Alternatives Analysis. Link to summary of comments. View the presentation shown at the meeting. (8 MB PDF)
September Neighborhood Workshops
The autumn 2006 neighborhood workshops introduced the three build alternatives to be evaluated to Dane County stakeholders. Attendees were able to view the two presentations below and ask questions of project staff and members of the Implementation Task Force. Their comments will inform the operating scenarios that will be subjected to technical analysis during the winter of 2006 and 2007.
- Neighborhood workshop introductory presentation:
- video with voice over** (3.5 MB WMV)
- PDF with voice over as text
- Neighborhood workshop alternative flyover video
- Alternative 2a video fly through** (95 MB WMV)
- Alternative 3 video fly through** (104 MB WMV)
- Selected display materials from the September workshops (PDF: ~1MB)
** BROADBAND connections only. The videos are very large files and need the windows media player to view. Please allow several minutes to download and view.
Individual Sheets (smaller file sizes):
Initial Public Meeting
The first major public meeting of this phase of Transport 2020 was in April 2006 at the Monona Terrace. This first public information meeting is part of the project scoping process, used to identify issues and concerns early in the study. The meeting was an open house with numerous exhibits, a presentation, and opportunity for questions and answers. View the presentation. (PDF)
Implementation Task Force Meeting Agendas and Minutes
The Transport 2020 Implementation Task Force (ITF) and several subcommittees – comprised of representatives from government, business and the general public -- meet regularly to review the results of the DEIS study tasks and to provide guidance as the study progresses. The Task Force is ultimately responsible for selecting a Locally Preferred Alternative. All ITF meetings are open to the public; attendees will be given an opportunity to address the Task Force or its subcommittees at most meetings.
All agendas and minutes are published in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need to download and install Adobe's free Acrobat Reader if you haven't already.
Meeting Minutes
Implementation Task Force
- December 19, 2007
- August 29, 2007
- July 18, 2007
- June 27, 2007
- May 24, 2007 (Presentation - 1 MB PDF)
- May 10, 2007
- April 25, 2007 (Presentation - 5.95 MB PDF)
- March 14, 2007 (Presentation - 1.75 MB PDF)
- January 31, 2007 (Costs Presentation - 1.8 MB PDF)
- December 20, 2006 (Engineering Presentation - 44 MB PDF | Land Use Presentation - 0.5 MB PDF)
- September 28, 2006
- July 26, 2006
- May 11, 2006
- April 05, 2006
- September 29, 2005
Management Team
Transit Operations Subcommittee
- February 21, 2007 (Presentation - 2.5 MB PDF)
- December 07, 2006 (Presentation - 1 MB PDF)
- November 02, 2006 (Presentation - 2 MB PDF)
- September 06, 2006
- July 12, 2006
- June 19, 2006
- March 15, 2006